
Dodi Schimmel arrived in the summer of 2006 and quickly became part of the family with her playful exotic Tibetan disposition.

Always watchful, nothing escaped her scrutiny and soon Ms Schimmel took over night security. All in black, a student of the ninja ways, she was impossible to detect in the darkness. As word of Ms Schimmel’s security expertise spread, so did her client base forcing her to open the Schimmel Security, a security training firm that specialized in stealth techniques. With employees under a privacy agreement, it was rumored that the firm controlled all the security north of the Erie Canal in Brockport. Reportedly, criminals stayed away from properties protected by Schimmel Security because they feared the being in the hands of the firm’s employees for any extended time.

With the financial success of Schimmel Security, Ms Schimmel could afford the time and effort to explore other endeavors. One such endeavor is the Himalayan Palace, an exotic dance club that has gained nationwide notoriety for its famed dancers. The Himalayan Palace does not have a permanent location but instead sets up weekly in a different location for performances Thursday thru Sunday to help promote the feeling that each performance is fresh and innovative. All dancers are recruited and trained by Ms Schimmel, who also creates the outfits that the dancers start out in. Popular with both sexes, each night is filled to capacity. Advertisement is done by word of mouth with the customers given a business card with the following weeks address when they leave.

With relocation to Brighton, Ms Schimmel welcomes the challenge of building new client base for her various businesses on the east-side.

Rumor Mill: Reports from the west-side are implying that Schimmel Security personnel are providing security for Lola Wraps deliveries and collecting the delivery payments.


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